sabato 24 settembre 2016

M106 8° bersaglieri / Ariete 1968 - Fase 2

Hello everyone!
For the second stage of my Story, I finished coloring some miniatures: the M106 and a mechanized infantry platoon.
The uniforms of the soldiers would be the camouflage uniforms polychrome M58 (ex M1929) in use in the Italian army until 1975 or so.
To transform the mechanized infantry in 'bersaglieri' I need to the 'piumetto' ..
Meanwhile, I think of how to make it, here are some photos..

2 commenti:

Baconfat ha detto...

Pardon my English, but your camo net technique is quite clever. The M113's look great.

Alessandro "Callaghan" ha detto...

The net is probably not quite to scale, but I'm glad you like it.
Thanks so much, Baconfat!


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